
6 Robotic Surgery Stocks for Retail Investors

Earlier this year, we wrote about the increasingly important role of healthcare robotics in smart hospital settings to help cut down on infections, as well as other nasty viruses and bacteria. Service robots can help deliver medications or sanitize hospital rooms, with the goal to reduce contact between human petri dishes in critical care conditions as much as possible. That made us wonder if there might be a long-term pandemic bump in other healthcare robotics sectors where retail investors could get some actual exposure of the good kind. Surgical robotics stocks seemed like a natural place to look.

Surgical Robotics Market

Good luck in trying to find reliable statistics on the global surgical robotics market. We found projections calling for a market modestly valued at about $100 million by 2024 to another forecast that claimed the industry would tip $16 billion by 2025. Yet a third market analyst pegged the surgical robotics market at nearly $7 billion by 2026. We can tell you that the largest of the surgical robotics companies, Intuitive Surgical (ISGR), sports a market cap of about $75 billion on revenue of nearly $4.5 billion in 2019.

Surgical robotics market graphic.
The size of the surgical robotics market remains a guessing game at the moment. Credit: Fortune Business Insights


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